Tag: genomics


Building the next generation of AI models to decipher human biology

The human genome, containing the entirety of our genetic blueprint, holds the keys to understand the intricate workings of our cells and bodies. How our cells respond to signals, build proteins, and fight off diseases, is determined by instructions encoded within our DNA. While scientists have made tremendous progress in deciphering this code, especially since… Read more »

New research from InstaDeep, NVIDIA and the Technical University of Munich beats expectations, provides new insights into genomics research

InstaDeep is pleased to announce a new collaboration with the Technical University of Munich and NVIDIA, using the UK-based Cambridge-1 supercomputer to train large language models (LLMs) on diverse genomic datasets to examine the impact of model scale and data diversity on downstream task performance.   As part of the work, multiple foundation models for genomics… Read more »

InstaDeep Partners with Nvidia

InstaDeep Collaborates with NVIDIA to Use the Cambridge-1 UK Supercomputer to Accelerate New Biological Discoveries

LONDON (March 22, 2022) InstaDeep today announced it will use the NVIDIA Cambridge-1 supercomputer to accelerate the next wave of biology innovation. The company plans to train AI language models using genomics data, and these models will then be shared with the bioinformatics community. InstaDeep’s work on machine learning and bioinformatics has already led to… Read more »