InstaDeep CEO to participate in Africa Day 2021 to discuss AI’s possibilities on the continent



Tuesday 25th May marks the 58th anniversary of the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity, which first took place in 1963. In celebration of Africa Day, The Africa I Know (TAIK) is hosting a half-day webinar devoted to reflections of the progress that Africa and Africans have made, as well as focusing on solutions to the challenges still faced by the continent. 

Africa Day is a day to celebrate the successes and the diversity of Africa, and this year, TAIK is bringing people from across the continent together online. Through six different sessions, you will hear from prominent African leaders such as biodiversity scientist and the first elected female president of Mauritius, Dr Ameenah Gurib-Fakim. TAIK will also reveal the “54 most inspiring Africans” and have put together an impressive panel to discuss ‘AI in Africa: Current solutions and opportunities for the future’, featuring InstaDeep’s Co-Founder and CEO, Karim Beguir. 

The role of AI for good in modern-day society

The panel discussion will focus on AI in Africa and how AI is increasingly becoming a permanent fixture in our modern-day society. How has Africa leveraged this technology for good is one of the topics up for discussion, where the panellists will dive into current solutions. Furthermore, the panellists will discuss AI’s implications for industry, agriculture, fintech and healthcare.

African Ecosystem 

Key to Africa Day is to look at the African AI Ecosystem and what makes it unique. To help answer this and the above questions, the panel discussion sees InstaDeep’s partner NVIDIA in attendance, represented by Kate Kallot, Head of Emerging Areas, as well as our friend Jade Abbott from Masakhane NLP. Other panellists are Elias W. Ba, Co-founder GalsenAI, and Tshilidzi Marwala, Vice Counsellor and principal, University of Johannesburg. We look forward to a great discussion and hope to see our friends around the world tune in to the free event!

The event runs from 12:00 – 17:15 CET on the 25th of May, 2021. You can register here or watch the live stream on The Africa I Know’s Facebook page. Remember to connect and engage with the community via the hashtag #africadaywithtaik!

Full agenda:  

The stream will also be available to watch on-demand following the event.